Once a Gangster

Once a Gangster
Celebrity cook Roast Pork (Jordan Chan) is known for his culinary sleight of hand, but hardly anyone realizes he used to be a young and dangerous slayer who cut human flesh rather than poultry meat. Now a family man who strives to be a caring father, he finds his idyllic life turn topsy-turvy when his Triad mentor comes out of nowhere and commands him to run for the “Dragon Head” in the underworld.
Roast Pork’s only chance to extricate himself from this quagmire is to lose the election to another candidate called Sparrow (Ekin Cheng), who supposedly is the designated heir apparent to the previous kingpin. Ironically enough, Sparrow has found his true calling in academia while serving terms in prison. He has set his mind to getting into the best university in Hong Kong rather than re-donning his Triad cloak.
A.K.A: Fei Sha Feng Zhong Zhuan
Cast: Ekin Cheng Yee-Kin, Jordan Chan Siu-Chun, Alex Fong Chung-Sun, Michelle Ye, Candy Yu On-On, Conroy Chan Chi-Chung, Wilfred Lau Ho-Lung,
Directed: Felix Chong
Genre: Action | Comedy | Crime
Runtime: 95 Mins
Country: Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese
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